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"May the 4th be with you! Let's Get This Show on the Road... "

Updated: May 5, 2020

I said in a pretty gleeful tone. I’d like to think that we can be able to fly out of the country soon I told the guys. I wonder, “what’s up with that?" Are we ready to step out of quarantine?

Today Adrien and I were happy to spend a part of the afternoon on this lovely May 4th with an amazing fellow bartender and dear friend, Yannick Bucco, managing partner of Willie Carter Sharpe & Naked in Montpelier France. I was so eager to ask him his thoughts on France officially lifting the confinement ban on May 11th, one week from today as people are permitted to open their businesses to the public and begin to commence what was life before COVID-19.

After getting on Facebook Messenger with Yannick, it was half past 11 in the morning which made it close to 5pm in Montpelier, we started immediately talking about the discomfort of wearing masks outside when it’s hot. Adrien got on his phone and somehow the 2 of us managed to join in on our little bartender conference. It was official. I was definitely getting visions of how our podcasts would go especially if we were to do one with Yannick. It’s all just so conversational and focused on one thing only: the bar! As Yannick was preparing his hi-ball with Buffalo Trace and Lagunitas IPA hop water I couldn’t help but wonder how cool this dude is.

I’ve known monsieur Bucco for about 4 years now, we met back in 2016.

Adrien however has known Yannick since 2004 when the boys were 18 and 22 living in Cannes. Again, it’s so refreshing to see photos of the two back in the day and listening to them catch up as I’m picturing them flair behind the stick like the youngins’they were. I admire the true dedication these two have naturally in what they do as professional bartenders. They take the craft seriously and I’m happy to say that it ties in with my mantra of the day “love what you do!”

Anyway before I get all Deepak Chopra here, I wanted to take a minute in explaining why it’s important to surround oneself with others who will only lift you up! And in our industry that is suffering so terribly... not only for us, but also for our readers, our guests who we have built solid relationships with, the patrons who follow us as loyal friends... I’m just ready to adapt and get it over with! Although we exchanged our views and compared France vs. US’s way of doing things COVID 19 modern day, it’s just so interesting to stay informed & stay woke. For example, we had no idea that cloth facial coverings were not accepted in France. Don’t even get me started with the chloroquine debacle. I also found it interesting that masks are sold individually at the super market for €5. Yannick also stressed how antsy he was that he wanted to go outside and take a trip in his car but even when the ban lifts he can only go a certain distance from his dwelling, 100 km max. Sheesh! Oh and how interesting, the French have to carry around documentation stating who they are and what time they left their homes as they were limited to one hour outside.

As Yannick also spoke about his acceptance of his new position being the new face of a prestigious Whiskey portfolio in France representing American Brands for:

Sazerac, Buffalo Trace, Eagle Rare also Peychauds bitters, he sounded mighty discouraged to have to train virtually for 3 days. Where’s the fun in that! Nevertheless he was enthusiastic about that time approaching than the ban lifting as it was “eventually going to happen”.

“I was really excited about my guest bartending shifts in New York City, but now they’re cancelled, and I’m in a complete stand still. I even haven’t planned the Kentucky trip yet..” divulged Yannick. It’s pretty hard when you’re an entrepreneur. I can’t imagine what that is like.

His job is basically to train and consult bars all over the world as he shares his passion and expertise in cocktail curating. As a managing partner of 2 rad pop- ups in what I call Montpellier’s Chelsea Market, his raw talent for what he does is truly a gift to all when he partnered up with the Willie Carter Sharpe and Naked Team.

When we visited last August we were so fortunate to experience the outdoor market so busy and full of life. Marché Du Lez was packed at 8pm on a Sunday.

We had to park our SUV into a makeshift lot where other cars lined up as an extension for parking. It was the ideal summer night in the South of France. The stars lit the sky, the brisk breeze tickled my ankles and I just about had the appetite for anything edible while having the perfect drink at hand. Our host Yannick gave us a tasting of homemade spirits that were tailored to the bar/ kitchen. I was hooked! I thoroughly appreciated the bacon infused vodka I sampled. I was a fan alright, anything having to do with the divine swine is hard to pass up. (That was then, today I might not enjoy bacon so much... you’ll soon know why) Afterwards, we marched over to Willie Carter Sharpe and enjoyed the taxidermy stuffed beavers as we parked outside in the tiki inspired bar counter and a tasting flight of Mezcal with Vida. Oh and this! Witness Exhibit A: frozen Mezcal watermelon margaritas with a Penne straw.

When I think of wonderful hospitality, I think of Yannick & the guys over at Willie Carter Sharpe.

As I am talking to Yannick now, I see him in a positive light repeatedly saying “adapt, adapt”. As a visionary and talented mixologist we see before us,I look forward to witnessing our friend Yannick trudge through the trenches during this wacky time in history next week. Although we may hear our industry dying due to COVID19 here is one entrepreneur in the bar who is keeping it real and keeping the faith. As everyone in France is counting the days for the new "new", it won't be soon enough that the U.S. follows not so far behind.

I can’t wait to show some support when Mr. Bucco visits us here in the Big Apple for his guest bartending shifts. For the time being we will keep each other in the loop and QKB will be on the lookout for some fun whiskey cocktails presented by our special guest when he finally gets the ball rolling! I’m sure there will be tons of talk about after the 11th of May. For now I’ll just go for it and say...

“May the 4th be with you”

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